The information provided through the links on this page is for general informational purposes only and is sourced from publicly available resources on the official BC government website. We are not responsible for the accuracy, completeness, or applicability of this information to your specific situation. You should not rely solely on these resources to make legal decisions. It is strongly recommended that you seek professional legal advice to assess the viability of your case. We do not provide legal services and do not take responsibility for any actions you may take based on the information provided here.
A growing number of reports across Canada have raised serious concerns about Ms. Chantel Marie Dustyhorn, a British Columbia-based vendor within the Powwow community. Allegations of fraud, financial loss, and psychological manipulation have been leveled against her, with numerous victims describing her as a "con artist" preying on Powwow dancers and others seeking regalia and beadwork.​At least two dozen individuals have come forward with claims of being scammed by Chantel Dustyhorn, describing significant financial harm and emotional distress.
Victims report paying substantial deposits for beadwork, regalia, and other handcrafted items, only to face unfulfilled orders, delays, and lack of communication. Some individuals have lost thousands of dollars in these transactions, with many offering clear, documented evidence to support their claims.​ The individuals involved have provided "receipts" and other forms of documentation, substantiating the allegations made on this website. However, to protect the identities of the victims and allow them to pursue civil resolutions through proper legal channels, personal details have been withheld. The goal of this platform is not only to raise awareness but also to encourage accountability and transparency within the Powwow community.Before launching this initiative, protocols were followed to ensure that the information shared here would reach communities across Turtle Island in a manner that aligns with traditional values of kinship and communal responsibility. The creators of this platform emphasize that their intention is to promote safety, respect, and accountability, encouraging all Powwow vendors to uphold high standards of professionalism and integrity.
In the spirit of mâmawi-wîcihitowak (helping one another as a group), the website creators emphasize the importance of community support as guided by the teachings of the Elders. The goal is not to attack or harm an individual’s character, but rather to protect the integrity and safety of the Powwow community by sharing critical information. The Powwow community, which spans across generations and is deeply rooted in shared values of trust, respect, and care, must continue to support one another and hold each other accountable for the well-being of all members.​ The platform seeks to foster a positive shift in practices, encouraging transparency and a communal environment built on trust and mutual respect.​ As the situation continues to develop, all those affected are urged to stay informed, exercise caution when engaging with Chantel Dustyhorn, and explore available civil avenues for resolution.​
All Our Relations,