Sign Our Petition
Protecting Indigenous Cultural Integrity
The creation of Indigenous regalia is a sacred and deeply spiritual practice, rooted in cultural protocols and respect. Unfortunately, multiple individuals have come forward with serious concerns about Chantel Dustyhorn, who has repeatedly engaged in unethical practices, including taking thousands of dollars from community members without delivering promised beadwork and regalia, exploiting the powwow circle, and failing to follow proper cultural protocols. Additionally, reports indicate that she has been teaching regalia-making workshops while under the influence, which is deeply disrespectful to our traditions and harmful to those seeking to learn in a safe, culturally appropriate environment.
It is unacceptable for someone to exploit Indigenous traditions for personal financial gain, especially while disregarding the sacred responsibilities that come with creating regalia. Our communities deserve honest, ethical, and accountable artists and teachers who uphold the values and traditions we work so hard to protect.
We are calling for action. Please sign our petition to demand accountability and transparency from Chantel Dustyhorn, ensuring that cultural teachings, regalia-making, and community workshops remain in the hands of those who honor and respect our ways. Ekosi.